How Fiber Optic Construction Improves Building Connectivity

rapid advancement of technology requires the best possible connection, along
with a lot of bandwidth. The increase in the use of mobile phones, the cloud,
streaming video, the Internet of Things, and other advances require the best
possible connectivity. This is particularly true in the workplace. Whether it
is a small office building or a large commercial structure, better connections
are always needed. The best method for making improvements is through the use
of fiber optic construction.


fiber optic construction, whether it is during the initial build of a
structure, or during a rebuild on a property, can help immensely. Having a fiber optic
infrastructure can make a world of difference and provide a host of benefits.


Internet Speed

of the main reasons many companies are choosing to use fiber optics when
constructing or retrofitting a building is the speed that it offers. Most
companies today rely on the internet and a strong network. Faster speeds ensure
that employees can access the information they need from the web quickly and



the same lines as speed, having higher bandwidth is vital for many companies.
Streaming, online meetings, uploading, and downloading all need to be as fast
as possible. The need for more bandwidth grows by the day. Having the
capability to transport a large amount of data quickly will also help with
accessing and using cloud applications, as discussed below.



is a delay that happens when data is processed across an internet connection.
When using fiber optic connections across the internet, the latency will be
greatly reduced. This is related to the perceived speed of the internet and is
noticeable when uploading or downloading video content, and when performing
tasks online through various applications that are in the cloud. When the latency
is lowered, it also helps to improve voice quality for VoIP users. With the
large number of online meetings that occur today, this can be a huge benefit.



benefit people may not consider regarding fiber optic cables is the improved
cybersecurity they offer. These types of cables are not as vulnerable to
cybersecurity threats. This is because the cables tend to be harder to access
without being detected. They can help keep important data secure in the event
of a hack on the network.


the number of cyberattacks that happen with alarming frequency, it makes sense
for companies to find as many ways as possible to shore up their defenses. Most
companies today fear what could happen to their business if they were a victim
of a cyberattack. It could cause their customers and clients to lose faith in
the company’s ability to keep their private information and data safe. It could
also result in the loss of proprietary information, personal information,
money, and more.


business owners today are looking for methods to help reduce these problems. In
addition to having a quality IT department that stays on top of these matters,
they should also consider fiber optic construction. Creating an infrastructure
using fiber optics for the network can help keep their business safe. If they
own a building that’s being leased, having fiber optic cabling can help to
attract tenants, who are often willing to pay more.

addition to cybersecurity, there is also the matter of fires. Fiber optic
cables use light rather than electricity, which means there is no danger of a
fire. Copper wires, on the other hand, conduct electricity. If there is a
problem with a copper wire’s shielding, there is the potential for it to start
a fire.


Cloud Access

is estimated that more than 80% of companies today are using the cloud in some
form. A few examples of usage are data storage and applications access. It has
become an important tool for many businesses. However, those who have problems
with the speed and bandwidth of their current network will find that their
connection to the cloud could be slow and an interference to work production.
Fiber optic construction for a network helps to ensure a stronger, more
reliable, and faster connection to the cloud.


and Long Lasting

copper might be metal, it does not mean it will last forever. Copper can start
to degrade over time, and it simply does not have the same durability that is
found with high-quality fiber optic cables. This means that fiber optics have
the potential to last much longer than copper. They will not need to be
replaced as often, and are likely to have fewer problems.

optic cables are flexible, lighter, easier to install, and often have a lower
cost. They also do not suffer from electromagnetic interference, whereas this
can be a problem with copper cables.


Signal Strength

the past, broadband internet was a top-of-the-line option. However, when a user
is further away from the switch, the strength of the signal begins to degrade.
That does not happen with fiber optics. Also, fiber optic cables also handle
bad weather better than copper. When there is inclement weather with copper
cables, it can sometimes cause slowdowns in data transmission. But with fiber
optics, those who are in large spaces will find that the strong signal will be
available throughout the building or complex, even in inclement weather.


are some of the biggest benefits associated with fiber optic construction.
Those who need to have improved, faster connections should consult with a
specialist in fiber optic construction to understand how to make improvements
that would benefit their company. The need for better connections is only going
to rise in the future, so it makes sense to improve the buildings and the
connectivity sooner rather than later. Whether the building needs to be
constructed and will need cabling, or the existing cabling needs to be
replaced, there are fiber optic engineers and construction services available
to help.

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