Benefits of Fiber Optics for Your Home-Based Business

are currently over 15 million home-based businesses in the U. S. and the trend
is picking up steam. The popularity of working from home is understandable. Not
wasting time on your commute and enjoying the comforts of home while you work
are great incentives. There is also evidence that at-home businesses benefit
from an increase in productivity and a boost to their bottom line.


from home, however, does present its own challenges in terms of infrastructure.
It’s important to have the tools you need to do your job effectively, including
the proper office equipment as well as fast and reliable access to the
internet. To ensure that your home-based business is set up for success,
consider using fiber optics for your internet connection. If you are on the
fence about whether fiber optic internet will make a big difference in the
operation of your company, consider the following benefits.


Speeds for Your Home-Based Business

major benefit of fiber optics is
dramatically increased internet speeds. With the internet playing such a vital
role in most jobs these days, the speed with which you can connect with the
world is a top concern.


understand why fiber optic internet is so much faster, it’s necessary to
examine how both fiber optic and traditional internet work. The fiber optic
technology harnesses light to send data to and from your computer via thin,
flexible strands of glass, while traditional internet still relies on using
electricity which travels through copper wire connections. Because light
photons travel much faster than electricity, there is no competition. Fiber
optic internet, which can offer speeds up to 10 Gbps, is 100 times faster than
regular internet service!



addition to needing a fast internet connection, a home-based business also need
to know their internet service is reliable. Who hasn’t experienced the internet
failing at the absolute worst time? Inclement weather can negatively impact
data transmission, and the internet often slows down at night when more people
are online using the available bandwidth.


always inconvenient when this happens, but if you are running your business
from home, it can be disastrous. Because fiber is much stronger than the copper
used by traditional internet providers, a fiber optic system can stand up to
weather and electrical interference. Further, the fiber optic internet is
designed to maintain fast speeds even during times when internet demand is



bandwidth of your internet service determines the volume of data that can be
transferred from one location to another in a set amount of time. The more
bandwidth your internet provides, the faster you are able to send and receive


traditional internet, insufficient bandwidth is often an issue, but with fiber
optics, the bandwidth capacity is almost unlimited. This ensures that web
conferencing is possible, large files can be shared, high-definition videos can
be streamed, and cloud-based applications can be accessed.


addition to providing greater bandwidth, use of fiber optics also ensures
bandwidth symmetry. Simply put, the symmetrical bandwidth of fiber optics means
that upload and download speeds are equal. This is a big improvement over
traditional internet where upload speeds can be notoriously slow. Businesses
often need to store information in the cloud and send large data files, so
having slow upload speeds can be very problematic. With fiber optic internet,
these companies can accomplish uploads and downloads simultaneously and at
equally fast speeds.


many aspects of doing business today involve being online. If you think a
faster and more reliable internet would be helpful for your at-home business,
you really should consider using fiber optics. This form of internet can give
your home-based business the level of service it needs to effectively get the
job done.

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