MPO cable Archive

Field Terminated Vs. Pre-Terminated Fiber Optic Assemblies

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by Fiber-MART.COM cWhile there are many options with which fiber optic cables and connectors to choose from, there are really only two major termination solutions: field terminated and pre-terminated. This post is going to break down what the difference between these terminations styles, the advantages and disadvantages, so you can [ Continue reading…]

7 Key Benefits of Fiber Optic Connectivity

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by Fiber-MART.COM has been working to make high speed fiber Internet more accessible to the Central Coast since 2010. Today, the fiber optic network helps municipalities run smoothly, businesses experience better returns and communities grow.   As the range of fiber infrastructure grows, fiber connectivity becomes a more [ Continue reading…]

Using Multi-duct for FTTH build out a cost-effective option!

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by Fiber-MART.COM Yates Engineering Services continues to review and assemble its knowledge base on Fiber to the Home deployments across the nation.  One of the newer trends that we have been studying and deploying is the use of multi-duct.  Multi-duct is simply when 2 or more small ducts are combined [ Continue reading…]

How my Fiber Optic Kevlar Cutter made me look like a hero to my wife

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by Fiber-MART.COM Okay, you’re asking “what’s the deal?” Let me tell you a true story and you can judge for yourself. It all started on my wife’s birthday when the kids sent their mother a bouquet of long stem roses. They were red and they were gorgeous, and I was [ Continue reading…]

How To Decide What Goes Into A Fiber Prep Kit

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by Fiber-MART.COM Kit configuration starts with our marketing department, our staff of engineers and our sales team. Usually it’s the sales team up first explaining the need for a kit for a specific customer or they had an inspiration or a germ of an idea from a tech in the [ Continue reading…]

How Fiber Optic Cables Can Help You

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by Fiber-MART.COM With fiber optic cables, you’re choosing to upgrade to a more efficient way of completing tasks. A network that runs on fiber optic cables is one that runs smoothly. Instead of using traditional networking techniques, fiber optics have essentially replaced the once dominant wire method. The difference is [ Continue reading…]

The Unfortunate Disadvantages of Using Copper Wires

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by Fiber-MART.COM Copper wires used to be the number one way to transmit information through a series of underground cables.  And, this worked for a long time–we were used to poor connections, dangerous conditions, and low transmission ranges.  However, that is what led us to discover the usefulness of fiber [ Continue reading…]

The Importance of Cleaning and Maintaining Fiber Optic Cables

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by Fiber-MART.COM Fiber optic cables can be incredibly useful, fast, and efficient.  When you switch to fiber optic cables for your network, it means you’re taking one more step closer towards the future.  High speed and instantaneous success are what run our world; this means that one misstep regarding fiber [ Continue reading…]

How to Clean Fiber Optic Connector

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by Fiber-MART.COM To keep the proper operation of the equipment, regular cleaning and maintenance is fundamental. Fiber optic connector as an indispensable component of optical network, is typically connected with a fiber jumper, then plugs into a switch or router. Telecommunication experts study that cleaning fiber optic connector is one [ Continue reading…]

How to Ensure Good Performance of Fiber Optic System?

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by Fiber-MART.COM We all know that transmission system is the key part of a fiber optic system. The performance of transmission system can directly affect the performance of fiber optic system. So what is the transmission system? The transmission system is a system that transmits a signal from one place [ Continue reading…]