MPO cable Archive

Detail introduction for MTP and MPO Fiber Optic Connector?

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MTP stands for Multifiber Termination Push-on/Pull-off. You can use the term MTP connector or MPO connector, they both indicate the same multi fiber connector style – MTP is just the trademark registered name that USConec uses for their MPO connectors. You typically see these types of connectors in the data [ Continue reading…]

Different Types of Fiber Optic Cleavers

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  If you have ever spliced optical fiber then you know what a fiber optic cleaver is. If you are new to fiber, then the mention of a cleaver may be a new concept. In simple terms, a cleaver is used to cut your fiber so you have two ends [ Continue reading…]

Why Do You Need a PON Power Meter?

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  The requirements for testing fiber optic networks will vary depending on the specific type of network as well as the network designer’s overall test requirements. Regardless of type, there are two basic or generic pieces of Optical Test Equipment that will be used; an Optical Time Domain Reflectomer or [ Continue reading…]

How Fiber Optic Construction Improves Building Connectivity

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The rapid advancement of technology requires the best possible connection, along with a lot of bandwidth. The increase in the use of mobile phones, the cloud, streaming video, the Internet of Things, and other advances require the best possible connectivity. This is particularly true in the workplace. Whether it is [ Continue reading…]

Benefits of Fiber Optics for Your Home-Based Business

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There are currently over 15 million home-based businesses in the U. S. and the trend is picking up steam. The popularity of working from home is understandable. Not wasting time on your commute and enjoying the comforts of home while you work are great incentives. There is also evidence that [ Continue reading…]

The difference between the MPO and MTP fiber cable connectors?

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  The need of quick provision of ports in data center environments is fulfilled by the use of multiport cables assemblies. This is very well achieved by a optical fiber cable strand, typically with 12 individual fibers and one MPO/MTP connector at the other end providing 6 parallel communication paths [ Continue reading…]

The Reason of GPON Popular On the Fiber Optics Market?

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As the wide use of broadband services and fiber-in and copper-out development, carriers require a longer transmission reach, higher bandwidth, reliability, and lower operating expense (OPEX) on services. GPON supports many functions to meet customers needs What is GPON? GPON stands for Gigabit Passive Optical Networks. GPON is defined by [ Continue reading…]

What Is Fiber Optic Pigtail and How to Splice It?

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  In fiber optic cable installation, how cables are attached to the system is vital to the success of network. If done properly, optical signals would pass through the link with low attenuation and little return loss. Fiber optic pigtail offers an optimal way to joint optical fiber, which is [ Continue reading…]

1.What is a Mode Conditioning Patch Cord?

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This special fiber patch cord is a duplex multimode patch cable that has a small length of single mode fiber at the start of the transmission length. It is designed to solve the technical issue involved in using single mode equipment on the existing multimode cable plant. Mode conditioning fiber [ Continue reading…]

What Are Visual Locators and How Do They Help the Industry?

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The biggest problems that arise from optical fiber networks are the troubles with connecting them. This is why we look for efficient methods which will help us better troubleshoot problem areas in the cables. One such product is a Visual Fault Locator.   A Visual Fault Locator is a very [ Continue reading…]