An optical attenuator is a passive device used to reduce the power level of an optical signal, either in free space or in an optical fiber. There are various types of them from the fixed ones, step-wise variable, and continuously variable. Attenuators are usually used when the signal arriving at the [ Continue reading…]
Given the growing demand for data on both fixed and mobile networks and the big size of the USA market, there is continuous pressure for operators to invest in fiber networks and to push connectivity closer to consumers. In recent years the United States has seen increased activity from [ Continue reading…]
The micrometer (μm) also commonly known as a micron, is an SI derived unit of length equaling 1×10−6 of a metre, that is, one millionth of a meter. The micrometer is a common unit of measurement for wavelengths of infrared radiation as well as sizes of biological cells and [ Continue reading…]
Do you have questions about the fibre optics outdoor cabling? We have Q/A to assist you determining which type of cable may suit your needs. If you are a contractor or a fibre optics installer this is a suitable first approach guide for determining your project. Let’s get started. [ Continue reading…]
One of the most common concerns amongst the installation of fiber cables is related to the possibility of bending a fiber cable or not. Worrying about this issue comes off rather naturally: if one does bend a fiber cable, let’s say around a corner, would that harm the cable? Or even more [ Continue reading…]
Nowadays, the demand for high connection speeds is increasing at an intimidating pace. People need to send -and receive- more data than ever, and the technology that’s available to them often seems to just not being able to keep up. Optical fiber seems to represent the best choice when it [ Continue reading…]
Why cross-over Fiber Cables? Occasionally, there will be instances in which you need to cross over fiber optics cables. The reasons may vary, but at the end of the day, the transmit (TX) and receive (RX) will need to be crossed in order to make a proper connection. One [ Continue reading…]
We have already covered the fundamentals of the optics connectors in a previous post. We explained the differences in polishing, RL and IL and choosing the right one. Nonetheless, technology keeps moving forward, and we need to be aware of the latest advancements so we can properly take advantage of the resources [ Continue reading…]
Doing some research online we found this article in the Website, The original article was delivered by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Fiber optic research can give us better medical equipment, improved environmental monitoring, more media channels—and maybe better solar panels. “Optical fibres are remarkably [ Continue reading…]
The NICT (Network System Research Institute )and Fujikura Ltd. (Fujikura, President: Masahiko Ito) developed a 3-mode optical fiber, capable of wide-band wavelength multiplexing transmission with a standard outer diameter (0.125 mm) that can be cabled with existing equipment. The researchers have successfully demonstrated a transmission experiment over +1000 km [ Continue reading…]
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