Know the Right Time to Adopt Fiber Optic Technology

Fiber optic cables are capable of supporting most of the world’s internet telephone system, and cable television. They contain strands of glass fibers inside an insulated case. They support the long distance, high performing data, and telecommunications operations. These cables are capable to provide higher bandwidth which can transfer data over longer distances in a matter of minutes.
Throughout the years when fiber cables faced a revolutionary period, it became a bit tricky to consider the situations where you need to adopt these cables. Let’s go through a list of considerations which help you to decide when is the correct time to upgrade to fiber optic cables.
New Projects:
If you have your networking system built under copper system, it makes more sense to stick to the existing system. But there comes one point when it might become more cost effective to use fiber. At this juncture, a cost-benefit analysis helps you determine when to use fiber optic cable. Therefore, whenever there is a big new project just around the corner, it is wise to invest in installing a fiber system.
When Hurricane Sandy came, it damaged decade old copper cables due to water intake. Following to this natural disaster, New York City replaced its copper infrastructure with fiber. The investment in fiber optics made much more sense when such natural calamity occurred which reduced the performance quality. Service providers like Verizon chose to upgrade to fiber to ensure longevity, reliable internet access, and better service.
If you are the owner of a building and thinking about upgrading to Fiber optic technology then the building tenant’s requirements can give you a proper idea about the right time. If they want to use the new and renovated technology for the long term, a fiber investment may help them. Otherwise, keeping the future requirements in mind if you go with a new copper system, it might need a replacement in the near future itself.
Building Type And Application
When you look to successfully implement a fiber networking system, it is important to understand the venue first. You must consider the following things:
The usage of cable
Is cable going to stay outside and/or in between buildings
Does this venue support large crowds like sports stadium?
Are you going to use wireless frequently?
Number of connections
One of the important things from the above points is to look at the number of connections. The reason behind this is the small cross-sectional area of the fiber, a total number of cables and connections you can place together could be greater than a copper system.
Large User Base:
Overall internet speed and usage is dependent on the number of users who are going to use this service. Moreover, it depends on the usage of each individual. If we consider the past records, big market players like Apple, Facebook, and Google were the heavy users of fiber because they have a large number of employees with devices and the amount of data transfer that took place every day. If we consider today’s scenario, products like high-rise hotels, university campuses and corporate offices might experience similar needs.
In such cases, one common thing is a large number of users are involved. You can anticipate that each of them at least brings two devices together, for instance, one laptop and a smartphone which would demand high-quality connectivity.
The main reason is that at these places for example campuses, there will be real-time lectures, access to assignments, and submissions. At hotels, a wireless connection would be the number one demand of guests. They would need to stream content, upload photos online and access other public networks. On the other side, employees would be in constant communication with onsite and remote staff via online calls and video connections. Hence, places where there is a large number of users involved, there is a likely scenario that users access cloud services all day to receive and send large files.
Future Proof Your Networks
Fiber Optic Technology is a great technology for large bandwidth usage. At present most of the fiber bandwidth does not have any limitations by cables. That means that it doesn’t matter which type of new fiber optic electronics come into the market you can always utilize them at their best with these cables installed.
Summing it up…
Fiber optic technology has replaced traditionally used copper cables in most of the industries. Plus, their prices have also decreased in the past years. When you see that there is no sign of slowing down the bandwidth and capacity needs, people might get such questions where they want to know when is the right time to invest in fiber optic systems. The above mentioned instance describes almost all the situations where they need to adopt fiber optic options. If you still have questions about their usage, let us know. We would be happy to help!

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